[0:03] From Hi-Fi Speakers, I am Mark Whitney with today's Educational Minute.
[0:08] Listen up. You're going to be doing a speech. Let me give you a tip. Be specific. Details sell. Details inspire confidence. Details show that you really know what you're talking about. You've really thought this through at a granular level. Whether your speech is five to seven minutes at your club, or a 30-minute keynote to your business associates. Be specific. Avoid a broad speech topic, right? You should ask, is the topic specific enough for the amount of time you have to do? Do the sub-points support the topic and add to the speech? What can be cut from the body of the speech? No extra words.
[0:52] That's today's Educational Minute. We're here every Monday through Friday, 4 o'clock Pacific Time, myhifi.club. Download the award-winning Substack App, subscribe, and never miss a minute.
[1:03] Music.
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